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Staff the Democratic Party Hotline in Texas

For the March 5 elections

By March 5, 2024

Sign up for hotline shifts here.

The primary election is coming up March 5th and Hotlines have started in Texas as the Vote by Mail program has opened.  Texas requires that voters sign up each year for Vote by Mail, and the population of voters who qualify is limited (e.g. age, disabled, etc.).  Last year, no government workers were allowed to answer questions regarding vote by mail, and I believe the rule still applies, so the Democratic party hotline in Texas is essential.

You must complete a training before your hotline shifts. There are two ways to sign up for training.

  1.  Sign up here for virtual training Monday, Feb 5th

  2. Signing up for a shift also gives you access to the on-demand training, which you'll complete prior to your first shift -- it walks you through how it all works and what kind of help you can expect while you're taking calls! Sign up for hotline shifts here.

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