The Advisory Board was formed to provide support and guidance to the TWW/Indivisible-Los Gatos leaders, Karla, and Sylvie.
The board helps inform their decisions, especially regarding group direction and mission.
The Board will be composed of 10-12 members. We will plan for some turnover each year to increase the diversity of perspectives, bring new ideas and share leadership responsibility.
Once a year, or more frequently as needed, the Board will examine its membership and make changes or additions.
Advise leaders on direction and approaches to fulfill the Mission, Purpose, and Objectives of the group.
Communicate sentiment from the full TWW group to the leaders.
Provide a sounding board for the leaders to try out new ideas.
Provide guidance to the leaders when questions that are difficult to resolve arise.
Commit to 1 year, though membership can extend beyond a year.
Attend at least 2 (of 3 planned) meetings for the year.
Come to meetings fully prepared having completed homework.
Complete assigned action items on time.
Bring ideas and background information that could help the group.
Commit to following the meeting rules agreed to by the group.
Communicate in a timely fashion with Advisory Board members & leaders.
Assume one or more roles on the Advisory Board.
Assume one or more leadership roles for the group.
Note taking.
Time keeping.
Plan and facilitate Advisory Board meetings.
Host/organize logistics for Advisory Board meetings.
Recruit new Advisory Board members- ongoing by all. intermittent for a subteam
Media liaison- non essential.
Liaison coordinator - non essential.
Communication of Board decisions - non essential.
Meetings are usually 6:30 pm – 9 pm.
First 30 minutes, optional socializing and eating. Meetings start at 7:00.
Meeting dates are TBD for 2023: Jan 24, possibly May and September / October
Meeting Ground Rules
Start and stop on time.
Come prepared.
Stay on topic and stay focused.
Share the airspace (Step up/Step back).
Be respectful.
One person speaks at a time.
Listen for understanding to all viewpoints.
Aim for ‘Yes, AND’ – Build on one another’s ideas.
When conflict arises, acknowledge it, listen for understanding, and determine steps to resolve.
We do not always need to agree. Be open to differences. Unity does not have to be uniform.
Each step of the agenda, clarify objective(s), how a decision will be made, and follow-up steps (who will do what by when).
Record key decisions and follow-up steps.
Selective confidentiality: When reporting/discussing our meetings/work, focus on the content not on the person(s).
For all decisions, you must be in attendance to vote.
We will use the Parking Lot to note future agenda topics/ideas.
Take care of yourself.
Assume best intentions.