TWW Reading and Discussion Group Meeting
How we Win?
February 12, 2024 - 7:00 PM
Los Gatos
at Tina's
16845 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos
Here are some resources you can check:
The Al Franken Podcast: David Axelrod - Al Franken interviews David Axelrod, a verteran of successful campaigns, his advice on the coming effort.
Heather Cox Richardson "Democracy Awakening" - assesses America at its current crossroads.
NYT Opinion | The Case for Trump … by Someone Who Wants Him to Lose
Political Breakdown: How to Win the Messaging War - good intro to importance of messaging.
Words To Win By: Protecting Our Freedoms: Defeating MAGA Republicans in the 2022 Midterms - United States
WaPo Opinion | The GOP primary that could have been - Jennifer Ruben has advice for Biden learned from Republican primary-- how not to lose to a bully
WaPo Opinion | A Republican senator smeared a Biden nominee — and Democrats cowered What Americans don't want: milquetoast niceness
NYT Opinion | A Strongman President? These Voters Crave It - Zeyneb Tufecki makes case about the appeal of The Strongman
Raskin Dismantles GOP Nihilism with Impassioned Defense of Truth - a democrat who knows how to do it in a smart way
User Clip: Hood speaking Ms. Crockett - this woman who knows how to say it
News Literacy Project - Good resource for sorting through truth and fiction in the news
Katie Porter BRINGS THE HOUSE DOWN and ENDS Republican Border Scam Instantly - a reel of democrats with a clear strong message
On with Kara Swisher: Hope for American Democracy, According to Heather Cox Richardson - Kara Swisher interviews our wonderful HCR